Old Cattle Corral

Went camping up north on Saturday July 11 off of the Lake Marry Rd and just east of SR87.

After setting up camp and a quick snack I head back out for a nice slow ride. I rode out on FR 211 to some old corral that I seen earlier that day. Took some photo’s of the old corral that was falling down in places. The corral was made with dead tree’s and looks like it’s been there for 100 years or so.

I talked to a rancher he explained that the corral was once a old ranch but now it belongs to the Forest Service. Also he said at one time it was where they stored and weighed the cattle before loading them onto trucks for market.

There was some old cattle hides hanging from the back fence. Where it looked like a barn in the middle the only thing in good shape was the scale. The scale was about 10ft wide and 20ft long.

So with dark setting in I rode around heading up Bold Mesa. On the way back ran into a bunch of cows on the side of the road. I also stopped for a bit to listen to some Elk bugle but didn’t See any.

Till next time Darren.

The Forest Service Old Time Corral on FR 211

The Shoot

The wooden box in the middle is the scale
Cow hide
Cow hides
The back side of the scale
The Az Sunset
Fence falling down made out of old tree's

The scale and two cow hides

The front of the scale

The cow shoot

That's where the cow would go up into the trucks

My Bike

The End......

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