Mike & Rhonda's

On Sunday Aug. 23, 2009 Myself and Rod meet up with John at Mike & Ronda's.

Get this John say’s to meet at Mike & Ronda's they have great breakfast and that it’s on the way to the ride before the train tunnel.

So we drive down Milton and never see any thing called Mike & Ronda's we drive all the way to east Flag only thing we seen was near the tracks was called The Place. I call info they tell me there is two locations one by the mall and one on Milton.

So I call the one on Milton they answer the phone as Mike & Ronda's I ask were are you located. They put me on hold then tell me their on Milton right before the trail tunnel. I told them I just drove by there and didn’t see any sign that said Mike & Ronda's.

Then they tell me it’s also called THE PLACE what did you say I ask The Place she said. Now I know where The Place is you can’t miss it you drive by it every where you go in Flagstaff. So we get to Mike & Ronda's The Place that's what the sign says.

Well sort of The Place is in really huge letters and Mike & Ronda's letters are supper small. So when your driving by at 40 you can’t read Mike & Ronda's all you see is THE PLACE. Check out the photo of the sign I found on the web.

So the breakfast was good but the waitress looked even better.

We finely made it to the Shultz Creek Trail Head. We rode up Shultz to Little Gnarly then up to the Dry Lakes and Pickle Trail.

I tried to get Rod to ride down the back way but couldn’t convince him into it John would of rode any thing or any where. So we all had a snack and headed back down Little Gnarly and to the Sunset Trail Head. Then back down on Shultz and to the parking lot.

On the way down I took some video I also seen that some one put some plastic eye balls on this old dead tree.

The ride down was the best part of the ride well not including all the fine female riders and hikers we seen on the trail.

We made it down with out incident just in time for another snack and beers.

Leaving the Flafstaff Ranch to go ride.
That's the sign see The Place is in really big letters and Mike & Ronda's are really small. Now could you see it if you were driving on the other side of the road.
John, Rod and Darren on the Shultz Creek Trail

On top of Little Gnarly before the Dry Lakes

Rod and John

A dead Gecko on the trail

I like Ferns

John Titus

Rod taking photo's

Darren's Rocky

Tree Huger


Darren hooking up his helmet cam

A bee on a flower

Eye Balls on the tree

This lady with her dog lost her boyfriend that was riding on the Secret Trail and managed to get lost ended up on 89A on the other side of the mountain.

The Sun flowers are back

Snow Bowl Mt.

Sunset on the way home

Well you know till next time Darren……

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