Castle Hot Springs

West to East

Red rock pile on Castle Hot Springs Rd. nead Wickenburg Az



Mule Deer Does

Mule Deer Buck 4 x 4

Tree Squirrel

Old Barn West of Castle Hot Springs

Darren and Jamie

 Castle Hot Springs was the first resort in the state of Arizona and one of the most beloved. Located 50 or so miles northwest of Phoenix in the flood plain of Castle Creek, the resort's cluster of turn-of-the-century buildings and hundreds of swaying palm trees look like a mirage in the desert to the unprepared traveler.

The hotel has been unoccupied for more than a decade, and its interiors have been left to bugs and bats and cluttered with junk. But Castle Hot Springs, neglected all these years, has suddenly become an attractive investment, largely because of its proximity to Lake Pleasant, a scant dozen miles away.

The old hotel came into existence because of a quirk of nature: From the hillside above it, 120-degree water gushes out of the ground at the exuberant rate of 400,000 gallons a day. The Apaches living in the area had long known about the springs, which they considered medicinal and possibly sacred.

Once the Apaches had been encouraged to leave, white settlers took to the waters with the same enthusiasm. In the late 19th century, people had not yet been convinced that tuberculosis came from a bacillus, rather than damp nights or being a poet. For a number of years, "lungers" had been flocking hopefully to the Southwest for the nice fresh air and sunshine. The sick pitched tents around the Castle Creek springs, then someone was inspired to open a boarding house, and soon after, a couple of men with a nose for business trends started a hotel

Castle Hot Springs

Main building at Castle Hot Springs burned to the ground. The fire took place in December 1976, only days before the resort was to open for the season

Castle Hot Springs Resort

Castle Hot Springs Resort

A Rock House

This house sits in a wash

Garage build into the mountain

The End!

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