Cave Creek Dam Flood

One Week After The Flood
Cave Creek Dam
Cave Creek Dam was built in 1923 and is a reinforced concrete barrel arch structure. In 1979, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers built the earthen Cave Buttes Dam just downstream of Cave Creek Dam to replace Cave Creek Dam. A channel was excavated around the right abutment of Cave Creek Dam to allow equalization of the flood pools. The older Cave Creek Dam no longer provides flood protection but was preserved due to its historic significance.

Two Weeks After

Found a few Saguaro's that have fallen over on the ride to the Cave Creek Dam.
Looking inside a dead saguaro
One of two old cement pads where two house's set at one time both had two car garages.
Old Well
Looking down inside the well
Found this big rock with a hole through it.
New pond
Mud drying up and cracking this one has MTB tacks in it.
Cave Creek Dam and no more water just mud.
See the water line now that was deep
Just a sea of mud and muck
On top of the dam
What is that I see. I thought at first it was a big boulder.
But it looks like a Jeep stuck in the mud.
A Closer look and it's a Jeep stuck in the mud don't
know how long is has been there.
As The Sun Sets
The End!


  1. Is the dam area open to the public? I looked at all the roads leading in says no trespassing. I wanted to ride over to the dam but don't want to get into trouble. Can't find anything about access to the area on any county website.

  2. We came in from the trailhead off of Tatum Blvd. there are signs posted but never had anyone ever say anything to us.

  3. The county closed it off awhile ago claimed "PM10 dust" issue. I think that is a lie to keep people out. They used to have lot of problems there with dirt bikes but I still see them riding in there. I guess if you come in from the north I see signs posted says closed. I understand why people trash everything now days not everyone, but enough to ruin it for everyone. Was up at Fossil Creek TP and piles of poop everywhere could not believe how people treat our wilderness. Why can't people take the TP with them at least dig a hole for the poop if have to go. You would think people letting their dogs go there it was actual human. There was so much that must not be patrolled at all needs to be a sign says $1000 fine for doing that put an end to it. Americans are so selfish never see this kind of thing in European countries. Sorry for a rant. Nice pictures by the way maybe ill sneak in there next winter before they build homes all over there.
