Fall Colors Flagstaff Az

Myself and Mike headed to Flagstaff on Thursday Oct. 8 2009 to check out the fall colors.

We headed out on the Hart Prairie Road Forest Road 151 out side Flagstaff on SR180 about 7 miles out. There was a lot of great aspen colors but seemed like half have changed and half haven’t and there were some aspen trees with no leaves at all. But there were a lot of leaves on the ground making for some cool photo’s.

I found the Hart Prairie Preserve looked like a great place to visit took a photo of a sign that told were to meet in Flag on Sunday for tours of the Preserve.

Did come across this aspen that had fall over blocking the road. As the road came to the T we took a right that heads over to Lockett Meadow.

My first time to Lockett Meadow the road up really sucked all dirt and in some spots it’s narrow. So if any one is coming down not much room but did I Minchin there is a 100 drop on the right side going up. So don’t think I’ll be bringing the toy hauler up here.

So Myself and Mike arrived to Lockett Meadow what a great place the view was superb and there is camping and day parking area. The weather was brisk and windy maybe 50’s there were a few car in the parking lot. The colors were awesome and there was more snow on this side of the peaks. I decided to head up on the Inner Basin Trail. The sign said it was 1.5 mile to Inner Basin right felt more like 2 miles.

Made it to some water sheds and a snow shelter for the snow survey crews. So to let you know there is a taped water spring so all you need it a water bottle. Made to the Inner Basin took a photo of me at 9800 feet and was the wind blowing. It felt like it was 32 degrees out now with the wind blowing. You could really see the snow as I was much closer now I think I was the only one wearing shorts out.

Checked the time wow it’s 430 had to head back wanted to get off the mountain before it got dark. So made it back to the truck and start the drive out of Lockett Meadow ran across four Mule Deer crossing the road.

So me and Mike had a great time can’t wait till the next trip. I couldn’t load all the photo’s on this thing so to check them all out head over to my Fliker acct at the high lighted blue link Till next time Darren…….

Flagstaff Fall Colors
San Francisco Peaks
Hart Prairie Preserve
San Francisco Peaks

New Growth
San Francisco Peaks Aspen Tree's so cool looking

Snow shelter

That's me in Inner Basin at 9800 feet & was it cold out felt like 32
Inner Basin
Inner Basin Trail
Lockett Meadow
Mule Deer

Get Out & Enjoy Life


  1. nice photos.

    October has to be my favorite month.

    We can ride anywhere in the state in comfort durning the month of October. Only sad thing is the north rim closes soon (15th)

    Was it a hike or bike?
