Happy Jack’s Old Corral

I took Mike up to one of my favorite spots in Happy Jack on Thursday Oct 8 2009. The old corral a super cool looking corral with some history and a great place to take photo’s. The corral is where they use to hold & weigh cattle before shipping them to market on trucks. Was once owned privately but now the forestry department. The barn looking struck her is the scale where they weighted the cattle. I only loaded a few photo’s here but head to this link to see the rest Darren..
Happy Jacks Old Corral

Inside the scale

Old Latch
The front of the scale

Run way
Where they loaded the cattle in to weigh them and those are Elk hides hanging up.

Where they use to hold & weigh cattle before taking the to market
Old Cow Skull
The corrals
Frost on the fence

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