Smoke is visible from Interstate 40, Williams, Prescott and the Verde Valley. Last night, smoke impacts to communities were minimal. However, depending on wind speed and direction, smoke could be noticeable anywhere from along I-40 to communities south and southwest of the fire.
Today, firefighters will be conducting black lining operations along pre-established perimeter roads. During black lining operations, firefighters burn fuels along designated boundaries in order to limit the fire’s growth in specific directions. Firefighters will be working to black line forest roads 105, 127 and 126 in order to prevent the fire from spreading south and east.
To conduct the black lining operations, firefighters may be using both hand (drip torches) and aerial (helicopter) ignition techniques.
About 50 fire personnel are assigned to the Cross Fire. Resources include the Kaibab fuels crew, two Kaibab engines, a Kaibab dozer, the Kaibab helitack crew, a Coconino National Forest engine, the Flagstaff Hotshots, and the Saguaro Fire Use Module.
As the Cross Fire burns through the forest under story and accumulations of forest debris, it is helping to re-establish the ecological role of fire, promote forest health, and reduce the future risk of large, destructive wildfires. The Cross Fire will likely continue growing over the next several days, as weather conditions are expected to be warmer and drier.
There are no closures associated with the Cross Fire. However, visitors should use caution when traveling in the area and should watch for firefighting vehicles and personnel. http://www.fs.fed.us/r3/kai/news/news-attachments/cross_fire_map_070709.pdf

Happy Jack, AZ —The 4th of July Complex is now 900 acres and is expected to grow an additional 500 acres today. Fire crews have begun burning to the north of the fire near the southern end of Blue Ridge Reservoir in an effort to hold control lines.
The smoke is moving in an easterly and south easterly direction. Smoke should be visible from Payson and may possibly impact the town of Heber/Overgaard and the community of Forest Lakes this afternoon and this evening. Expected fire behavior is a backing fire with 1 – 2 foot flame heights, there could be occasional single and group tree torching associated with heavy downed fuels. The fire received a light rain yesterday which moderated fire behavior for the remainder of the day.
The emergency fire closure area has been extended to include a portion of the Blue Ridge Reservoir. The closure area is described as north of Forest Road (FR) 300; east of FR 123; south and east of FR 09709R and crossing Blue Ridge Reservoir; west of FR 139B; and west of FR 139A to the Junction of FR 95; then south to FR 300. Forest Road 123 has now been closed to any thru traffic, however forest roads 95 and 300 will remain open for thru traffic. This closure will remain in effect until such time Fire Managers feel it is safe for the public to re-enter the area.
The extension of the closure has also closed a further portion of the Arizona Trail. The Fred Haught Trail and a portion of the U-Bar and Barbershop trails are also closed.
Fire managers have completed all burns on the Independence fire. The fire is 1300 acres and light smoke is expected along State Highway 87. Fire personnel will continue to hold and patrol control lines. There are some green interior areas within the perimeter of the fire that will continue to smolder with minimal backing as resource benefits are achieved. The fire is 80% contained.

Flagstaff, AZ - The Radio Fire, a 3-acre fire located just north of the radio facilities on the top of Mount Elden, was reported at approximately 1a.m. today and may be visible from Flagstaff as the day progresses.
The fire is burning in the old Radio Fire area.
The cause of ignition is unknown at this time, and approximately 16 firefighters from the Coconino National Forest are responding to the fire.
The area in which the fire is burning has light fuels, a low rate of spread and no structures are threatened.
The current fire danger on the Coconino National Forest is high, and while there aren’t fire restrictions at this time around Flagstaff, the Forest Service urges people to use caution with all their fires – from campfires to cigarettes.

Diamond Fire Wildland Fire Used for Resource Benefit Gila National Forest Active 17,600 23 hrs. ago
Indian Fire Wildland Fire Kaibab National Forest Active 619 7 days ago
Castle Fire Wildland Fire Kaibab National Forest Active 432 6/26/2009
Ruby Complex Wildland Fire Used for Resource Benefit Kaibab National Forest Active 4,644 6/25/2009
Point Fire Wildland Fire Used for Resource Benefit Coconino National Forest Active 1,200 6/15/2009
Real Wildland Fire Used for Resource Benefit Coconino National Forest Active 850 6/15/2009
Rattle Ridge Wildland Fire Coconino National Forest Active 403 6/15/2009
Pioneer Fire Wildland Fire Tonto National Forest Active 1,375 6/15/2009
Ruby Fire Wildland Fire Used for Resource Benefit Kaibab National Forest Inactive 2,368 6/14/2009
Game Reserve Wildland Fire Grand Canyon National Park Inactive 280 6/11/2009 Quincey Wildland Fire Grand Canyon National Park Active 80 6/11/2009
Canelo Wildland Fire Coronado National Forest Inactive 4,208 6/11/2009
Skeleton Wildland Fire Coronado National Forest Active 6,500 6/6/2009

Prescribed Fire Link:
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